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Urate crystals trigger B-cell receptor signal transduction and induce B-cell proliferation.

TitleUrate crystals trigger B-cell receptor signal transduction and induce B-cell proliferation.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsEleftheriadis, T., Pissas G., Antoniadi G., Filippidis G., Liakopoulos V., & Stefanidis I.
JournalJ Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol
Date Published2020 Jan 13

Background Urate in its crystal form is a known danger-associated molecular pattern, which after its internalization activates cells of the innate immune system. However, by inducing lipid raft sequestration and clustering of membrane-bound proteins with immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motifs, urate crystals can also activate cells of the innate immune system without previous internalization. Also, urate crystals trigger T-cell receptor signal transduction and induce T-cell proliferation. In this study, we evaluated whether urate crystals can also initiate B-cell receptor (BCR) signal transduction and promote B-cell proliferation. Methods B cells were isolated from the blood of 10 individuals and cultured with or without urate at a concentration of 10 mg/dL, at which crystallization occurs. Phosphorylated Igα (CD79A) and c-Myc were assessed by Western blotting and B-cell proliferation with BrdU assay. Results Urate increased the level of phosphorylated Igα, a component of the BCR complex. Phosphorylation of Igα is the very proximal event in BCR signal transduction. Also, urate increased the expression of c-Myc, an essential transcription factor for BCR-induced B-cell proliferation. Finally, urate induces B-cell proliferation. Conclusions Urate crystals trigger BCR signal transduction and induce B-cell proliferation. The clinical significance of urate-induced B-cell activation remains to be elucidated.

Alternate JournalJ Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol
PubMed ID31927516


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