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Helicobacter pylori-related ApoE 4 polymorphism may be associated with dysphagic symptoms in older adults.

TitleHelicobacter pylori-related ApoE 4 polymorphism may be associated with dysphagic symptoms in older adults.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsKountouras, J., Tsolaki F., Tsolaki M., Gavalas E., Zavos C., Polyzos S. A., Boziki M., Katsinelos P., Kountouras C., Vardaka E., Tagarakis G. I., & Deretzi G.
JournalDis Esophagus
Date Published2015 Apr 15
Alternate JournalDis. Esophagus
PubMed ID25873443


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