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Κατάλογος ενδεικτικών δημοσιεύσεων του τμήματος Ιατρικής ΑΠΘ σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά κατά τα τελευταία 5 έτη.

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Anestakis, D., Petanidis S., Domvri K., Tsavlis D., Zarogoulidis P., & Katopodi T. (2020).  Carboplatin chemoresistance is associated with CD11b/Ly6C myeloid release and upregulation of TIGIT and LAG3/CD160 exhausted T cells.. Mol Immunol. 118, 99-109.
Zarogoulidis, P., Christakidis V., Petridis D., Sapalidis K., Kosmidis C., Vagionas A., et al. (2020).  Connection between PD-L1 expression and standardized uptake value in NSCLC: an early prognostic treatment combination.. Expert Rev Respir Med.
Domvri, K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., et al. (2020).  Dual photothermal MDSCs-targeted immunotherapy inhibits lung immunosuppressive metastasis by enhancing T-cell recruitment.. Nanoscale. 12(13), 7051-7062.
Domvri, K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., et al. (2020).  Exosomal lncRNA PCAT-1 promotes Kras-associated chemoresistance via immunosuppressive miR-182/miR-217 signaling and p27/CDK6 regulation.. Oncotarget. 11(29), 2847-2862.
Zarogoulidis, P., Huang H., Yang M., Zhou J., Jiao Y., Wang Q., et al. (2020).  Pleurodesis and Immunotherapy in NSCLC; Medical Thoracoscopy or VATS?. J Cancer. 11(6), 1606-1613.
Tsiouda, T., Sardeli C., Porpodis K., Pilikidou M., Apostolidis G., Kyrka K., et al. (2020).  Sex Differences and Adverse Effects between Chemotherapy and Immunotherapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.. J Cancer. 11(11), 3407-3415.


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