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Κατάλογος ενδεικτικών δημοσιεύσεων του τμήματος Ιατρικής ΑΠΘ σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά κατά τα τελευταία 5 έτη.

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Perakakis, N., Polyzos S. A., Yazdani A., Sala-Vila A., Kountouras J., Anastasilakis A. D., et al. (2019).  Non-invasive diagnosis of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrosis with the use of omics and supervised learning: a proof of concept study.. Metabolism. 154005.
Polyzos, S. A., Slavakis A., Koumerkeridis G., Katsinelos P., & Kountouras J. (2019).  Noninvasive Liver Fibrosis Tests in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An External Validation Cohort.. Horm Metab Res. 51(2), 134-140.
Polyzos, S. A., Kountouras J., & Mantzoros C. S. (2019).  Obesity and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: From pathophysiology to therapeutics.. Metabolism. 92, 82-97.
Kountouras, J., Doulberis M., Papaefthymiou A., Polyzos S. A., Vardaka E., Tzivras D., et al. (2019).  A perspective on risk factors for esophageal adenocarcinoma: emphasis on Helicobacter pylori infection.. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1452(1), 12-17.
Kountouras, J., Doulberis M., Papaefthymiou A., Polyzos S. A., Touloumtzi M., Vardaka E., et al. (2019).  The relationship between -related microbiota dysbiosis and gastrointestinal tract pathologies.. Scand J Gastroenterol. 1-2.
Katsinelos, P., Lazaraki G., Chatzimavroudis G., Anastasiadis S., Georgakis N., Xanthis A., et al. (2019).  A retrospective comparative study of argon plasma versus polypectome snare tip coagulation: effect on recurrence rate after resection of large laterally spreading type lesions.. Ann Gastroenterol. 32(2), 178-184.
Polyzos, S. A., Kountouras J., Mavrouli M., Katsinelos P., Doulberis M., Gavana E., et al. (2019).  Selenoprotein P in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes.
Polyzos, S. A., Perakakis N., Boutari C., Kountouras J., Ghaly W., Anastasilakis A. D., et al. (2019).  Targeted analysis of three hormonal systems identifies molecules associated with the presence and severity of NAFLD.. J Clin Endocrinol Metab.
Doulberis, M., Papaefthymiou A., Kountouras J., Polyzos S. A., Srivastava S., Klokowska-Röetzler J., et al. (2019).  Vitamin D Deficiency and Unclear Abdominal Pain in Patients from Low- and Middle-Income Countries.. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 16(23), 
Kountouras, J., Polyzos S. A., Doulberis M., Stergiopoulos C., & Katsinelos P. (2018).  Comment on "Therapeutic Application of an Extract of Ameliorates the Development of Allergic Airway Disease".. J Immunol. 200(9), 3027.
Kountouras, J., Doulberis M., Polyzos S. A., Zeglinas C., Vardaka E., Kountouras C., et al. (2018).  Helicobacter pylori Infection and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease-Barrett's Esophagus-Esophageal Adenocarcinoma Sequence.. Am J Gastroenterol. 113(11), 1723-1724.
Katsinelos, P., Lazaraki G., Chatzimavroudis G., Terzoudis S., Gatopoulou A., Xanthis A., et al. (2018).  The impact of age on the incidence and severity of post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis.. Ann Gastroenterol. 31(1), 96-101.
Doulberis, M., Kountouras J., Polyzos S. A., Tzivras D., Vardaka E., Kountouras C., et al. (2018).  Impact of Helicobacter pylori and/or Helicobacter pylori-related metabolic syndrome on gastroesophageal reflux disease- Barrett's esophagus- esophageal adenocarcinoma sequence.. Helicobacter. 23(6), e12534.
Polyzos, S. A., Zeglinas C., Artemaki F., Doulberis M., Kazakos E., Katsinelos P., et al. (2018).   infection and esophageal adenocarcinoma: a review and a personal view.. Ann Gastroenterol. 31(1), 8-13.
Polyzos, S. A., Anastasilakis A. D., Efstathiadou Z. A., Makras P., Perakakis N., Kountouras J., et al. (2018).  Irisin in metabolic diseases.. Endocrine. 59(2), 260-274.
Kountouras, J., Polyzos S. A., & Deretzi G. (2018).  Multiple Bidirectionality Brain-Gut Interactions in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease.. Gastroenterology. 155(5), 1651-1652.
Polyzos, S. A., Kountouras J., Anastasilakis A. D., Makras P., Hawa G., Sonnleitner L., et al. (2018).  Noggin levels in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: the effect of vitamin E treatment.. Hormones (Athens). 17(4), 573-579.
Polyzos, S. A., Kountouras J., Anastasiadis S., Doulberis M., & Katsinelos P. (2018).  Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Is it time for combination treatment and a diabetes-like approach?. Hepatology. 68(1), 389.
Kountouras, J., Doulberis M., Polyzos S. A., Papaefthymiou A., Kapetanakis N., Arapoglou S., et al. (2018).  Potential Impact of Active Helicobacter pylori Infection with or without Concomitant Metabolic Syndrome on Colorectal Cancer Invasion and Mortality.. Isr Med Assoc J. 20(11), 725-726.
Kountouras, J., Polyzos S. A., Katsinelos P., Anastasiadis S., Tzivras D., Doulberis M., et al. (2018).  Potential Impact of Helicobacter Pylori on Hepatic Encephalopathy Pathophysiology.. Dig Dis Sci. 63(4), 1087-1088.
Boziki, M., Polyzos S. A., Deretzi G., Kazakos E., Katsinelos P., Doulberis M., et al. (2018).  A potential impact of Helicobacter pylori-related galectin-3 in neurodegeneration.. Neurochem Int. 113, 137-151.
Kountouras, J., Polyzos S. A., Doulberis M., Zeglinas C., Artemaki F., Vardaka E., et al. (2018).  Potential impact of Helicobacter pylori-related metabolic syndrome on upper and lower gastrointestinal tract oncogenesis.. Metabolism. 87, 18-24.
Doulberis, M., Kotronis G., Thomann R., Polyzos S. A., Boziki M., Gialamprinou D., et al. (2018).  Review: Impact of Helicobacter pylori on Alzheimer's disease: What do we know so far?. Helicobacter. 23(1), 



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