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Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis and Evolution of Chronic Kidney Disease: Untangling Ariadne's Thread.

TitleOxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis and Evolution of Chronic Kidney Disease: Untangling Ariadne's Thread.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsDuni, A., Liakopoulos V., Roumeliotis S., Peschos D., & Dounousi E.
JournalInt J Mol Sci
Date Published2019 Jul 29
KeywordsAlbuminuria, Animals, Biomarkers, Disease Management, Disease Models, Animal, Disease Progression, Fibrosis, Humans, Kidney Glomerulus, Microvessels, Oxidative Stress, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic

Amplification of oxidative stress is present since the early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD), holding a key position in the pathogenesis of renal failure. Induction of renal pro-oxidant enzymes with excess generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and accumulation of dityrosine-containing protein products produced during oxidative stress (advanced oxidation protein products-AOPPs) have been directly linked to podocyte damage, proteinuria, and the development of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) as well as tubulointerstitial fibrosis. Vascular oxidative stress is considered to play a critical role in CKD progression, and ROS are potential mediators of the impaired myogenic responses of afferent renal arterioles in CKD and impaired renal autoregulation. Both oxidative stress and inflammation are CKD hallmarks. Oxidative stress promotes inflammation via formation of proinflammatory oxidized lipids or AOPPs, whereas activation of nuclear factor κB transcription factor in the pro-oxidant milieu promotes the expression of proinflammatory cytokines and recruitment of proinflammatory cells. Accumulating evidence implicates oxidative stress in various clinical models of CKD, including diabetic nephropathy, IgA nephropathy, polycystic kidney disease as well as the cardiorenal syndrome. The scope of this review is to tackle the issue of oxidative stress in CKD in a holistic manner so as to provide a future framework for potential interventions.

Alternate JournalInt J Mol Sci
PubMed ID31362427
PubMed Central IDPMC6695865


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