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Tailored low dose three-dimensional CT of paranasal sinuses.

TitleTailored low dose three-dimensional CT of paranasal sinuses.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1998
AuthorsDamilakis, J., Prassopoulos P., Mazonakis M., Bizakis J., Papadaki E., & Gourtsoyiannis N.
JournalClin Imaging
Date Published1998 Jul-Aug
KeywordsHumans, Infant, Paranasal Sinus Diseases, Paranasal Sinus Neoplasms, Paranasal Sinuses, Phantoms, Imaging, Radiation Dosage, Radiographic Image Enhancement, Tomography, X-Ray Computed

A technique for three-dimensional (3D) computed tomography (CT) of the paranasal sinuses was evaluated. The influence of milliamperage and reconstruction algorithms on image quality was studied in a phantom. Eleven patients with bony abnormalities of the paranasal sinuses underwent CT to assess the clinical impact of 3D CT protocol. Contiguous 1.5-mm sections obtained at 120 kVp/175 mA/1.9 sec can provide 3D images with high diagnostic image quality. This technique offers the advantage of a much lower dose than that of the conventional CT (CCT) examination of paranasal sinuses. Three-dimensional CT protocol of paranasal sinuses is suggested for use for the evaluation of bony abnormalities and for preoperative planning of the above region.

Alternate JournalClin Imaging
PubMed ID9699043


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