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Oxidative stress in hemodialysis: Causative mechanisms, clinical implications, and possible therapeutic interventions.

TitleOxidative stress in hemodialysis: Causative mechanisms, clinical implications, and possible therapeutic interventions.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsLiakopoulos, V., Roumeliotis S., Zarogiannis S., Eleftheriadis T., & Mertens P. R.
JournalSemin Dial
Date Published2019 01
KeywordsAntioxidants, Female, Humans, Kidney Failure, Chronic, Male, Oxidative Stress, Prognosis, Reactive Oxygen Species, Renal Dialysis, Risk Assessment, Survival Rate, Treatment Outcome

Oxidative stress (OS) is the result of prooxidant molecules overwhelming the antioxidant defense mechanisms. Hemodialysis (HD) constitutes a state of elevated inflammation and OS, due to loss of antioxidants during dialysis and activation of white blood cells triggering production of reactive oxygen species. Dialysis vintage, dialysis methods, and type and condition of vascular access, biocompatibility of dialyzer membrane and dialysate, iron administration, and anemia all can play a role in aggravating OS, which in turn has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality. Oral or intravenous administration of antioxidants may detoxify the oxidative molecules and at least in part repair OS-mediated tissue damage. Lifestyle interventions and optimization of a highly biocompatible HD procedure might ameliorate OS development in dialysis.

Alternate JournalSemin Dial
PubMed ID30288786
Grant ListMe1365/7-2 / / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / International
Me1365/9-1 / / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / International
854 project A01 / / Collaborative Research Centres / International


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