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West Nile virus lineage 2 in humans and mosquitoes in Bulgaria, 2018-2019.

TitleWest Nile virus lineage 2 in humans and mosquitoes in Bulgaria, 2018-2019.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsChristova, I., Papa A., Trifonova I., Panayotova E., Pappa S., & Mikov O.
JournalJ Clin Virol
Date Published2020 06

BACKGROUND: West Nile virus (WNV) lineage 2, and especially the Hungarian clade, predominates in Europe. Most of the Hungarian clade strains cluster into 2 groups: Central/South-West European and Balkan.OBJECTIVES: Since there was not any study on WNV in mosquitoes in Bulgaria, the present study was designed to test Culex spp. mosquitoes in areas near the Danube river. The aim of the study was to gain an insight into the recent molecular epidemiology of WNV in Bulgaria.STUDY DESIGN: A total of 1871 Culex pipiens mosquitoes collected in 2018 and clinical samples from 23 patients with West Nile neuroinavsive disease observed in 2018 and 2019 were tested by TaqMan RT-PCR and RT-nested PCR and PCR products were sequenced.RESULTS: WNV RNA was detected in clinical samples from 10 patients and in five (12.2 %) of 41 pools of Cx. pipiens mosquitos by realtime RT-PCR, resulting in a minimum infection rate of mosquitoes of 0.27 %. Phylogenetic analysis based on partial NS3 gene sequences from one clinical sample and four mosquito pools showed that all sequences clustered into the Hungarian clade of WNV lineage 2 and all but one were identical to respective sequences from Romania. Whole genome sequences of one mosquito pool belong to the Hungarian group of WNV lineage 2 and cluster in a separate subclade from the Bulgarian strain from 2015, suggesting that at least two different introductions occurred in Bulgaria.CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides insights into the geographic distribution of WNV in Bulgaria.

Alternate JournalJ Clin Virol
PubMed ID32305885


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