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Arrhythmic risk stratification in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: The ReCONSIDER study design - A two-step, multifactorial, electrophysiology-inclusive approach.

TitleArrhythmic risk stratification in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy: The ReCONSIDER study design - A two-step, multifactorial, electrophysiology-inclusive approach.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsGatzoulis, K. A., Dilaveris P., Arsenos P., Tsiachris D., Antoniou C-K., Sideris S., Kolettis T., Kanoupakis E., Sideris A., Flevari P., Vassilikos V., Kappos K., Maounis T., Katsivas A., Kotsakis A., Karvounis H., Kossyvakis C., Leventopoulos G., Kalpakos D., & Tousoulis D.
Corporate AuthorsReCONSIDER study Investigators
JournalHellenic J Cardiol
Date Published2020 Apr 21
Alternate JournalHellenic J Cardiol
PubMed ID32330568


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