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IFMBE ProceedingsPrecision Medicine Powered by pHealth and Connected HealthPrediction of Cardiac Arrest in Intensive Care Patients Through Machine Learning

TitleIFMBE ProceedingsPrecision Medicine Powered by pHealth and Connected HealthPrediction of Cardiac Arrest in Intensive Care Patients Through Machine Learning
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsAkrivos, E., Papaioannou V., Maglaveras N., & Chouvarda I.
Series EditorMaglaveras, N., Chouvarda I., & de Carvalho P.
Series TitleIFMBE Proceedings: Precision Medicine Powered by pHealth and Connected Health
Number of Pages25 - 29
PublisherSpringer Singapore
ISBN Number978-981-10-7418-9
KeywordsCardiac arrest Prediction, Classification, MC-HMM, Sequential pattern recognition

Cardiac arrest is a critical health condition characterized by absence of traceable heart rate, patient’s loss of consciousness as well as apnea, with inhospital mortality of ~80%. Accurate estimation of patients at high risk is crucial to improve not only the survival rate, but also the quality of life as patients who survived from cardiac arrest have severe neurological effects. Existing research has focused on demonstrating static risk scores without taking account patient’s physiological condition. In this study, we are implementing an integrated model of sequential contrast patterns using Multichannel Hidden Markov Model. These models can capture relations between exposure and control group and offer high specificity results, with an average sensitivity of 78%, and have the ability to identify patients in high risk.



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