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Κατάλογος ενδεικτικών δημοσιεύσεων του τμήματος Ιατρικής ΑΠΘ σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά κατά τα τελευταία 5 έτη.

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Journal Article
Zarogoulidis, P., Tsakiridis K., Karapantzou C., Lampaki S., Kioumis I., Pitsiou G., et al. (2015).  Use of proteins as biomarkers and their role in carcinogenesis.. J Cancer. 6(1), 9-18.
Hohenforst-Schmidt, W., Zarogoulidis P., Steinheimer M., Benhassen N., Tsiouda T., Baka S., et al. (2016).  Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors for the Elderly.. J Cancer. 7(6), 687-93.
Zarogoulidis, P., Papadopoulos V., Maragouli E., Papatsibas G., Karapantzos I., Bai C., et al. (2018).  Tumor heterogenicity: multiple needle biopsies from different lesion sites-key to successful targeted therapy and immunotherapy.. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 7(Suppl 1), S46-S48.
Zarogoulidis, K., Zarogoulidis P., Darwiche K., Boutsikou E., Machairiotis N., Tsakiridis K., et al. (2013).  Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).. J Thorac Dis. 5 Suppl 4, S389-96.
Paliouras, D., Rallis T., Gogakos A., Asteriou C., Chatzinikolaou F., Georgios T., et al. (2015).  Surgical anatomy of the internal thoracic arteries and their branching pattern: a cadaveric study.. Ann Transl Med. 3(15), 212.
Foroulis, C. N., Zarogoulidis P., Darwiche K., Katsikogiannis N., Machairiotis N., Karapantzos I., et al. (2013).  Superior sulcus (Pancoast) tumors: current evidence on diagnosis and radical treatment.. J Thorac Dis. 5 Suppl 4, S342-58.
Gogakos, A. S., Paliouras D., Asteriou C., Rallis T., Lazopoulos A., Chatzinikolaou F., et al. (2016).  Single sternal metastasis due to malignant melanoma with unexpected long-term survival: a case report.. Onco Targets Ther. 9, 321-3.
Karapantzos, I., Zarogoulidis P., Charalampidis C., Karapantzou C., Kioumis I., Tsakiridis K., et al. (2016).  A rare case of anastomosis between the external and internal jugular veins.. Int Med Case Rep J. 9, 73-5.
Sapalidis, K., Kosmidis C., Michalopoulos N., Koulouris C., Mantalobas S., Giannakidis D., et al. (2018).  Psoriatic arthritis due to nivolumab administration a case report and review of the literature.. Respir Med Case Rep. 23, 182-187.
Zarogoulidis, K., Papaiwannou A., Lazaridis G., Karavergou A., Lampaki S., Baka S., et al. (2015).  Pneumothorax from diagnosis to treatment, hands on course: Part II.. Ann Transl Med. 3(3), 41.
Tsotsolis, N., Tsirgogianni K., Kioumis I., Pitsiou G., Baka S., Papaiwannou A., et al. (2015).  Pneumothorax as a complication of central venous catheter insertion.. Ann Transl Med. 3(3), 40.
Papagiannis, A., Lazaridis G., Zarogoulidis K., Papaiwannou A., Karavergou A., Lampaki S., et al. (2015).  Pneumothorax: an up to date "introduction".. Ann Transl Med. 3(4), 53.
Kamparoudi, P., Paliouras D., Gogakos A. S., Rallis T., Schizas N. C., Lazopoulos A., et al. (2016).  Percutaneous tracheostomy-beware of the thyroidea-ima artery.. Ann Transl Med. 4(22), 449.
Grapatsas, K., Piyis A., Neofotistos K., Tsilogianni Z., Zarogoulidis P., Paliouras D., et al. (2016).  A patient with situs inversus totalis and lung cancer-a rare combination.. Ann Transl Med. 4(22), 450.
Kotsakou, M., Kioumis I., Lazaridis G., Pitsiou G., Lampaki S., Papaiwannou A., et al. (2015).  Pacemaker insertion.. Ann Transl Med. 3(3), 42.
Sapalidis, K., Laskou S., Amaniti A., Koulouris C., Giannakidis D., Mantalovas S., et al. (2018).  New hybrid method for trachea dilatation with rigid and flexible tools.. Respir Med Case Rep. 24, 65-73.
Sapalidis, K., Schizas N., Lazopoulos A., Kamparoudi P., Paliouras D., Sardeli C., et al. (2018).  Multiple metachronous and synchronous malignancies with lung and thorax involvement. Report of two cases.. Respir Med Case Rep. 24, 5-7.
Tremmas, I., Petsatodis G., Potoupnis M., Laskou S., Giannakidis D., Mantalovas S., et al. (2018).  Monitoring changes in quality of life in patients with lung cancer under treatment with chemotherapy and co administration of zoledronic acid by using specialized questionnaires.. J Cancer. 9(10), 1731-1736.
Kallianos, A., Tsimpoukis S., Zarogoulidis P., Darwiche K., Charpidou A., Tsioulis I., et al. (2013).  Measurement of exhaled alveolar nitrogen oxide in patients with lung cancer: a friend from the past still precious today.. Onco Targets Ther. 6, 609-13.
Sapalidis, K., Laskou S., Amaniti A., Mantalovas S., Giannakidis D., Koulouris C., et al. (2018).  Lung cancer induced from chemotherapy a 20 years old case.. Respir Med Case Rep. 24, 32-34.
Sapalidis, K., Laskou S., Amaniti A., Mantalovas S., Giannakidis D., Koulouris C., et al. (2018).  Lung cancer induced from chemotherapy a 20 years old case. Respiratory Medicine Case Reports. 24, 32 - 34.
Sapalidis, K., Zarogoulidis P., Huang H., Bai C., Wen Y., Wang L., et al. (2018).  Inhaled Immunotherapy Administration for Lung Cancer; Efficient? Certainly Possible.. J Cancer. 9(6), 1121-1126.
Zarogoulidis, K., Ziogas E., Boutsikou E., Zarogoulidis P., Darwiche K., Kontakiotis T., et al. (2013).  Immunomodifiers in combination with conventional chemotherapy in small cell lung cancer: a phase II, randomized study.. Drug Des Devel Ther. 7, 611-7.
Charalampidis, C., Lampaki S., Zarogoulidis P., Lazaridis G., Mpaka S., Kosmidis C., et al. (2016).  Fine-needle aspiration of skin metastasis in ovarian cancer-report of two cases and review of the literature.. Ann Transl Med. 4(22), 447.
Kuhajda, I., Durić D., Koledin M., Ilic M., Tsavlis D., Kioumis I., et al. (2015).  Electric vs. harmonic scalpel in treatment of primary focal hyperhidrosis with thoracoscopic sympathectomy.. Ann Transl Med. 3(15), 211.



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