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Pendular eyelid flap: a novel technique for the management of extensive congenital upper lid colobomas.

TitlePendular eyelid flap: a novel technique for the management of extensive congenital upper lid colobomas.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsChalvatzis, N. T., Riga P., Tzamalis A., & Mataftsi A.
JournalJ AAPOS
Date Published2017 Feb
KeywordsBlepharoplasty, Child, Preschool, Coloboma, Eyelids, Female, Humans, Infant, Male, Reconstructive Surgical Procedures, Surgical Flaps, Suture Techniques

We present a novel technique for the surgical management of sizeable medial upper eyelid colobomas that entails advancement of an ipsilateral upper lid flap sustained by a levator aponeurosis-Müller-conjunctiva pedicle and combined with a lateral semicircular flap from the affected lid. The technique was used in 4 consecutive pediatric patients of mean age 21.2 months and mean coloboma size 12.3 mm and resulted in sufficient cornea protection, rapid rehabilitation, and satisfying cosmesis.

Alternate JournalJ AAPOS
PubMed ID27810423


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