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Educational strategies to train health care professionals across the education continuum on the process of frailty prevention and frailty management: a systematic review.

TitleEducational strategies to train health care professionals across the education continuum on the process of frailty prevention and frailty management: a systematic review.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsWindhaber, T., Koula M. Lamprini, Ntzani E., Velivasi A., Rizos E., Doumas M. Theofilos, Pappas E. Elias, Onder G., Vetrano D. Liborio, Laso A. Roudriguez, Manjas L. Roudriguez, Illario M., & Roller-Wirnsberger R. Elisabeth
Corporate AuthorsADVANTAGE JA WP8 group
JournalAging Clin Exp Res
Date Published2018 Feb 23

BACKGROUND: In addition to the normal process of ageing, frailty, defined as a geriatric syndrome, is becoming more prevalent. Around 10% of people over 65 years and 25-50% of those aged over 85 years are frail. Frail elderly are more vulnerable to external stressors and have an increased risk of adverse health outcomes. To tackle these challenges, European Union (EU) member states need to develop a health work force capable of the right skills mix. A goal-centred education and training of professionals is crucial for effective and efficient health care delivery for Europe's greying population.AIMS: The aim of this study was to systematically collect, review and critically appraise studies carried out to investigate the efficacy and effectiveness of comprehensive educational programmes for health professionals related to frailty prevention and/or frailty management.METHODS: A systematic review was carried out searching the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane CENTRAL, Medline, Up to date and Embase. Additionally, a manual search of the reference lists and searches via Google Scholar and was done.RESULTS: No relevant publications addressing the evidence and sustainability of educational/training programmes for frailty prevention and/or frailty management were identified.DISCUSSION: The result of an empty review is surprising because several educational programmes in different countries are currently run.CONCLUSIONS: A significant knowledge gap exists in the scientific literature regarding education and training of health care workers regarding prevention and management of frailty. Further research is needed to identify effective educational strategies for health professionals to prevent and manage frailty.

Alternate JournalAging Clin Exp Res
PubMed ID29476480
Grant List724099 / / Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency /


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