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Our 20-year experience with experimental colonic anastomotic healing.

TitleOur 20-year experience with experimental colonic anastomotic healing.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsRaptis, D., Pramateftakis M-G., & Kanellos I.
JournalJ Med Life
Date Published2018 Jan-Mar
KeywordsAnastomosis, Surgical, Anastomotic Leak, Animals, Colon, Fibrin Tissue Adhesive, Humans, Risk Factors, Wound Healing

To present our experience with experimental colonic anastomoses and compare it with the results of other experienced researchers. The published experimental studies of our research group up to 1996, as well as results of other researchers in this field, are demonstrated and discussed. Different actions of administered substances on the anastomotic healing were compared and represented. Various chemotherapeutic agents were evaluated in experimental models without colorectal cancer as independent risk factors for the anastomotic healing. Moreover, numerous pharmaceutical agents such as steroids, immunomodulators, vasodilators and the use of fibrin glue are also assessed in detail. Cytostatics, as well as steroids, impair the colonic anastomotic healing, but the combined administration of other agents can reverse this negative effect. Fibrin glue seems to protect the colonic anastomosis, while iloprost could be a potential candidate for further exploration in patient trials. Tacrolimus, despite its immunosuppressive action, seems to promote the anastomotic healing. This observation could be useful for patients with inflammatory bowel disease under tacrolimus therapy, who undergo a non-elective colectomy. Obstructive conditions predispose to anastomotic insufficiency, and therefore, substances to avoid this threatening complication are also assessed. Tacrolimus and iloprost showed a remarkable action against anastomotic leakage under artificially obstructive conditions. Further studies, especially in forms of clinical protocols, are necessary in order for these results to find their place in safe daily practice.

Alternate JournalJ Med Life
PubMed ID29696058
PubMed Central IDPMC5909939


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