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Repair of a giant inguinoscrotal hernia.

TitleRepair of a giant inguinoscrotal hernia.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsPatsas, A., Tsiaousis P., Papaziogas B., Koutelidakis I., Goula C., & Atmatzidis K.
Date Published2010 Jun
KeywordsAbdominal Wall, Colectomy, Hernia, Inguinal, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Omentum, Reconstructive Surgical Procedures, Scrotum, Splenectomy, Surgical Mesh

Giant inguinoscrotal herniae are infrequent in developed countries nowadays, nonetheless they may still typically present after years of neglect. The morbidity associated with them can be significant. Surgical management, although challenging even for the experienced surgeon, enables the patient to return to a reasonable level of function and quality of life. We present a case of a giant right inguinoscrotal hernia, which was treated with a multi-stage extensive operation, following adequate pre-operative respiratory preparation. The operation included reduction of the hernial contents in the abdominal cavity following omentectomy, right hemicolectomy and splenectomy, hernioplasty and reconstruction of the abdominal wall with the preperitoneal use of a Composix mesh and finally reductive reconstruction of the scrotum. The technique described represents a successful combination of various techniques described for the management of these patients.

Alternate JournalHernia
PubMed ID19590814


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