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The effect of fracture stability on the performance of locking plate fixation in periprosthetic femoral fractures.

TitleThe effect of fracture stability on the performance of locking plate fixation in periprosthetic femoral fractures.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
AuthorsMoazen, M., Mak J. H., Etchels L. W., Jin Z., Wilcox R. K., Jones A. C., & Tsiridis E.
JournalJ Arthroplasty
Date Published2013 Oct
KeywordsBiomechanical Phenomena, Bone Plates, Femoral Fractures, Fracture Fixation, Internal, Humans, Models, Theoretical, Periprosthetic Fractures, Stress, Mechanical, Weight-Bearing

Periprosthetic femoral fracture (PFF) fixation failures are still occurring. The effect of fracture stability and loading on PFF fixation has not been investigated and this is crucial for optimum management of PFF. Models of stable and unstable PPFs were developed and used to quantify the effect of fracture stability and loading in a single locking plate fixation. Stress on the plate was higher in the unstable compared to the stable fixation. In the case of unstable fractures, it is possible for a single locking plate fixation to provide the required mechanical environment for callus formation without significant risk of plate fracture, provided partial weight bearing is followed. In cases where partial weight bearing is unlikely, additional biological fixation could be considered.

Alternate JournalJ Arthroplasty
PubMed ID23642449
Grant ListWT 088908/Z/09/Z / / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom


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