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Κατάλογος ενδεικτικών δημοσιεύσεων του τμήματος Ιατρικής ΑΠΘ σε διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά κατά τα τελευταία 5 έτη.

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Hohenforst-Schmidt, W., Zarogoulidis P., Stopek J., Vogl T., Hübner F., J Turner F., et al. (2015).  DDMC-p53 gene therapy with or without cisplatin and microwave ablation.. Onco Targets Ther. 8, 1165-73.
Lampaki, S., Lazaridis G., Zarogoulidis K., Kioumis I., Papaiwannou A., Tsirgogianni K., et al. (2015).  Defining the role of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in early stage non-small cell lung cancer.. J Cancer. 6(6), 568-74.
Hohenforst-Schmidt, W., Zarogoulidis P., Oezkan F., Mahnkopf C., Grabenbauer G., Kreczy A., et al. (2014).  "Denervation" of autonomous nervous system in idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension by low-dose radiation: a case report with an unexpected outcome.. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 10, 207-15.
Shi, D., Li F., Wang K., Kong C., Huang H., Li Q., et al. (2020).  The development of bronchoscopy in China: a national cross-sectional study.. J Cancer. 11(19), 5547-5555.
Hohenforst-Schmidt, W., Zarogoulidis P., Pitsiou G., Linsmeier B., Tsavlis D., Kioumis I., et al. (2016).  Drug Eluting Stents for Malignant Airway Obstruction: A Critical Review of the Literature.. J Cancer. 7(4), 377-90.
Domvri, K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., et al. (2020).  Dual photothermal MDSCs-targeted immunotherapy inhibits lung immunosuppressive metastasis by enhancing T-cell recruitment.. Nanoscale. 12(13), 7051-7062.
Milovancev, A., Stojsic V., Zaric B., Kovacevic T., Sarcev T., Perin B., et al. (2015).  EGFR-TKIs in adjuvant treatment of lung cancer: to give or not to give?. Onco Targets Ther. 8, 2915-21.
Seif, M. M., Huang H., Huang Z., Ning Y., Cheng Q., Jiang C., et al. (2019).  Endobronchial removal of a metallic needle using a flexible diagnostic bronchoscope and biopsy forceps. A case report from Djibouti.. Respir Med Case Rep. 28, 100959.
Huang, H., Seif M. Mohamed, Ren J., Shi H., Shen X., Wang Q., et al. (2019).  Endobronchial removal of the high-risk osseous foreign bodies with evaluation and planning by virtual navigation system.. Respir Med Case Rep. 28, 100952.
Zarogoulidis, P., Petridis D., Ritzoulis C., Darwiche K., Spyratos D., Huang H., et al. (2013).  Establishing the optimal nebulization system for paclitaxel, docetaxel, cisplatin, carboplatin and gemcitabine: back to drawing the residual cup.. Int J Pharm. 453(2), 480-7.
Zarogoulidis, P., Sapalidis K., Fyntanidou V., Kosmidis C., Amaniti A., Koulouris C., et al. (2019).  Evaluating the use of elastography in endobronchial ultrasound technique as a diagnostic approach for mesothorax lymphadenopathy. Expert Review of Respiratory Medicine. 1375(121), 1153 - 1159.
Zarogoulidis, P., Sapalidis K., Fyntanidou V., Kosmidis C., Amaniti A., Koulouris C., et al. (2019).  Evaluating the use of elastography in endobronchial ultrasound technique as a diagnostic approach for mesothorax lymphadenopathy.. Expert Rev Respir Med. 13(12), 1153-1159.
Domvri, K., Petanidis S., Anestakis D., Porpodis K., Bai C., Zarogoulidis P., et al. (2020).  Exosomal lncRNA PCAT-1 promotes Kras-associated chemoresistance via immunosuppressive miR-182/miR-217 signaling and p27/CDK6 regulation.. Oncotarget. 11(29), 2847-2862.
Huang, H., Zarogoulidis P., Lampaki S., Organtzis J., Petridis D., Porpodis K., et al. (2014).  Experimentation with aerosol bonsetan, pirfenidone, treprostinil and sidenafil.. J Thorac Dis. 6(10), 1411-9.
Zarogoulidis, P., Porpodis K., Kioumis I., Petridis D., Lampaki S., Spyratos D., et al. (2014).  Experimentation with inhaled bronchodilators and corticosteroids.. Int J Pharm. 461(1-2), 411-8.



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