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Consensual intercourse resulting in an extensive rectovaginal tear: an extremely rare occurrence.

TitleConsensual intercourse resulting in an extensive rectovaginal tear: an extremely rare occurrence.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsSymeonidis, N., Ballas K., Micha A., Psarras K., & Pavlidis T.
JournalJ Sex Med
Date Published2015 Feb
KeywordsAdult, Anal Canal, Coitus, Colostomy, Female, Genital Diseases, Female, Humans, Lacerations, Rectum, Sexual Behavior, Suture Techniques, Time Factors, Treatment Outcome, Vagina

INTRODUCTION: Rectovaginal tears are usually associated with the insertion of foreign bodies, accidental trauma, and nonconsensual intercourse.AIM: The aim of this study was to describe an extremely rare case of extensive rectovaginal tear as a result of consensual vaginal and anal intercourse.METHODS: A case is presented along with review of the literature.RESULTS: A 20-year-old woman presented with acute perineal pain and minor vaginal bleeding following consensual vaginal and anal intercourse. No insertion of sex toy or any other object was reported. Vaginal and rectal examination revealed a ruptured posterior vaginal wall with wide communication with the rectum, without involvement of the anal sphincters. Surgical treatment with primary repair of the tear and diverting colostomy was performed.CONCLUSIONS: Although consensual intercourse is usually associated with minor genital trauma, rare but potentially serious injuries can occur. Clinicians should be aware of the possibility of such injuries because failure to identify them can lead to delayed treatment and poor outcome.

Alternate JournalJ Sex Med
PubMed ID25376118


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